Jupyter Notebook Setup for Research and Production

Over time, I've accumulated over 100 Jupyter notebooks containing various research, strategies, reports, and other trading-related things. Versioning Jupyter notebooks can be a bit of a pain, and there are packages that help with that. Of those, I've tried jupytext but never stuck with it. To prevent a disaster in case of a disk failure, I've set up twice-daily off-box backups of the notebooks folder on the server.

I wanted to improve on that setup and, while I’m at it, solve a few other issues:


Python snippet in VS Code interactive mode

Python snippet in VS Code interactive mode

I recently discovered VS Code Interactive mode for Python, and it checked off some of the boxes I had for a notebook/development solution. I decided to try it and liked it a lot. The main reason I liked it is that the notebook is valid Python code, not code intermingled with output in a JSON blob like .ipynb. The cell-focused development workflow is still present, though. There are also some nice features like outputs in a separate panel and a solid data explorer. So, even though I don't use VS Code as my main editor, I switched to it for notebook development.

Having notebooks as pure Python files also solved the versioning issue, as well as code reuse. I can now simply extract common code into another Python module and import it where needed.

Batch Jobs

Next up was figuring out how to run a notebook as a batch job. I'm currently using Dagster as a workflow automation tool for my trading, which includes running anything that resembles a cron job. So, I needed a way to somehow run the .py notebook from a Dagster job. One solution was to wrap the code in the notebook in a function, then import that function and run it, however, I would then lose the notebook-centric development style of working and iterating on individual cells. Wrapping each cell into its own function just sounded too cumbersome – I didn't want to have to make changes to a notebook just because I wanted to run it as a batch job.

The solution ended up being simpler than I thought it would be: since all the code in the notebook is top-level, meaning it’s executed on import, all that was needed was to import the notebook from my batch job runner. importlib to the rescue! Additionally, when developing/testing a notebook, I don’t always want to store or persist the results. Sometimes just viewing a DataFrame or any other output is enough. However, for running batch jobs, I usually want to store the results, which means I needed a way to fetch some outputs from the notebook.

Here's the code snippet that does both of the above:

import importlib

def run_notebook(notebook: str, results: list[str]) -> list:
    """Runs a notebook with a given name.

    Since notebooks contain top-level code which is executed on import,
    this will just import the notebook and return the variables from
    the module namespace.

    Returns a list of variables matching the input parameter `results`.
    Variables can be anything that's defined in the notebook—DataFrames,
    lists, simple types, etc.

    module = importlib.import_module(notebook)
    res = []
    variables = module.__dict__
    for r in results:
        if r in variables:

    return res

So, if I wanted to run a notebook called performance_report and fetch the perf_df DataFrame, I would do:

perf_df = run_notebook("performance_report", results=["perf_df"])[0]

The results are then persisted from within the Dagster job. I have that snippet alongside the notebooks in the research git repo, so anything that wants to run any notebook just calls that function. In my case, my Dagster deployment has a dependency on the research git repo, so any notebook in the repo can be executed like this.

Future Improvements

One thing I'd like to try is running VS Code on the server and using the remote development feature to develop on the server (thanks Senko for the suggestion). This would help with notebooks for which I can’t download a sample test dataset to my workstation for development and testing. It should also make it easier to develop on the go since the handoff between machines would be simpler in that case. However, I haven’t found my current setup (commit + push to git + pull on another machine) to cause much friction yet.